Flutter Booking App UI - freecodes.cloud


Flutter Booking App UI – This is booking app that covered UX/UI was designed by Hananda Ilham Z.



✨ (First Screen) ✨

  • 2 TextField (Not authentication handling, Not format or Regrex)
  • 2 Social Button (Not function or direction)
  • Sign-In Button (Navigation to Home Screen)
  • Sign-Up Text (Navigation to SignUp Screen)

Sign-Up Screen

✨ (When user click a Sign up text in Sign-In Screen) ✨5 PageView

  • Registering Page View (Must filled, can choose location by DropdownButton)
  • OTP Page View (Must filled)
  • Adding Email PageView
  • Adding Password PageView (Must filled, have hint)

Home Screen

✨ (When user click a Sign In Button in Sign-In Screen / Done Sign-Up Screen) ✨

  • Top Bar
  • Services Tags
  • Booking Cards (ListView – can interactive)
  • Inspiration Cards (ListView – not interactive)

Detail Screen

✨ (When user click a Booking Card in Home Screen) ✨

  • Hotel/Resort Background
  • DraggableBottomSheet (Show description of Hotel/Resort)
  • BottomNavigationBar (Show price and Booking Button)

Calendar Screen

✨ (When user click Booking Now Bottom in Detail Screen) ✨

  • Calendar builded by Table_Calender library
  • Button “Book My Room” (Can’t interactive)


Flutter Booking App UI

Thank you

I pleasure to receive your responses and comments!
Please tell me if anything have a problem.
✨Many thanks!✨


  • All rights reserved to the respective owners/authors