Flutter Notes App - freecodes.cloud

Flutter Notes App – A flutter project to create notes, organize them into group and display them in a list. This project is not setup for fetching data from a server. It is just a simple project using local storage.

All data is stored using the shared_preferences package.


  • Create/Edit notes & organize them into groups
Flutter Notes App
Flutter Notes App
Flutter Notes App
  • Text editor with basic formatting
Flutter Notes App
  • Display notes/groups in a grid
Flutter Notes App
Flutter Notes App
  • Create/Edit groups
Flutter Notes App
  • Display notes from a group
Flutter Notes App
  • Context menu for notes
Flutter Notes App
Flutter Notes App
  • Context menu for groups
Flutter Notes App

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

  • Clone the project
  • Run flutter pub get to install dependencies
  • Run flutter run to run the app

Packages used


This project uses the BLoC pattern to manage state.


  • All rights reserved to the respective owners/authors