flutter wallpaper app wallboard - freecodes.cloud


Flutter Wallpaper App – Beautiful, Free, Customizable Wallpaper Dashboard app made with Flutter.


Flutter Wallpaper App
Flutter Wallpaper App

How to Use

1. Clone the source code

git clone https://github.com/ShreeyansB/wallboard.git

2. Set Basic App Values

Change the app name in the following files:

– wallboard/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
– wallboard/ios/Runner/Info.plist

Change the package name by running:

flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main com.new.package.name

Set the app version by editing:

– wallboard/pubspec.yaml

3. Set App Icons and Splash Screen

App Icon

App icon can be updated by replacing the icon images with your own in the wallboard/android and wallboard/ios directories manually or by using a site like this.

Splash Screen

To change the splash image on the splash screen, replace the image at – wallboard/assets/splash.png with your own. To change the background colors and more tweaks follow edit the file at – wallboard/flutter_native_splash.yaml (instructions in file) Then run the following commands:

flutter pub get
flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create

4. Add Wallpapers and customize App UI

Edit the variables in wallboard/lib/dev_settings.dart according to your liking.
Instructions and Hints about the variables provided in file.

While setting up the JSON for the wallpapers, follow the given reference:

KeyRequiredData TypeDescription
nameYesStringWallpaper Name
urlYesStringWallpaper Image URL
authorNoStringWallpaper Author Name
thumbnailNoStringThumbnail Image
collectionNoStringSingle Collection to Include In
downloadableNoBooleanAllow Wallpaper download
sizeNoStringFile Size
dimensionsNoStringImage Dimensions
licenseNoStringLicensing Information

Example JSON

5. Add Credits for About Screen

Add your credits in wallboard/assets/credits.json. Check the already written JSON for the JSON Model.

Still need help?

Contact me on Telegram if you need assistance.

Planned Features

  • One Signal Notifications (Done)
  • Language Support
  • iOS Support


  • All rights reserved to the respective owners/authors